Life Lately

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Life lately, and life not quite recent, has been filled with piles of school shit, endless meetings, countless errands and some (mostly misused and not taken full advantage of) time for myself.

If you had read my last post, you’d know I had been so thrilled to have attended my first ever summer classes, and I am pleased to say I have survived with great marks. I must admit, though, that it actually drained me a lot and summer felt like it just said hi and left. Then another semester began. What. My feet didn’t even get to feel sand!  And it didn’t help that soon I was bombarded with never-ending meetings and preparations for school activities. Apparently this is what you get for being a good and involved student. Kidding ;)

I’ll spare you the boring details of my college life and just say that all is well and I’m still on it. I’ve spent much time on coffee shops and diners too, mostly studying but sometimes just chillin’ and hanging out with friends. I don’t know if it’s my excuse to myself for slacking off sometimes but I think it’s important to have time to set aside the craziness of your world and just relax and stay sane. I’m sure you’ll agree to this! Well it’s that or we’re all just good in finding reasons to be lazy. :P

I want to keep this short because recently life has only been a routine, and I just wanted to say hi and tell you guys I’m still alive and blogging! Also, I may or may not be thinking about improvements on my blog like perhaps a new theme? A new domain? Moving??? I’m considering a lot of things and I’m excited to know that my goals for this blog are within grasp! I really hope my little plans push through. Wish me luck! J

How's your life lately?

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